Monday, 22 February 2016

Why I Decided to Create This

To be honest, im not quite sure.  Ive been thinking about a lot lately and I wanted to just write some of it down to get it straight and hopefully then move on.  I don't expect anyone to ever read this, I wouldn't even know how to react if anyone ever did, its just for me anyways.  I was really inspired to write by three main things really, the first is all the creative people out there I follow on youtube.  They make so many interesting things I never imagined I would enjoy, so this is mostly for them.  For writing specifically, I think my two greatest influences for this are Allie Brosh and Daniele Bolelli.  If you haven't heard of either of them don't worry they're easy to find.  Anyways hopefully I will write something here soon, just getting started finally feels like a big weight off my shoulders.

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